are you dying to see a twist

Jeanie Feng is a 3rd year fashion student studying at derby university. Iv been given the pleasure of working with her whilst she puts together her final collection for the end of year graduation fashion show. Jeanie is inspired by textures such as brick, concrete and rust. She also uses graffiti as a concept for her work as well as the streets....You could call it broken streets... So are you dying to see a twist???

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Make a statement

My first job that i was given was to make a headpeice. i was given loads of Netting and other fabrics all black and one peice of grey, i had black rope like from a curtain tie back, tape from a caset tape, Black chain and lose lace fabric. i had to hand sew all this onto a shoulder pad and had to keep adding and adding to create more volume and structure i had to make a statement. I have previously used washes and bolts when revamping a jacket at home and i thought that they gave the jacket a really edgy look. So i ran my idea past jeanie to see if sewing washes and bolts would be something she would be interested in having on the head peice, she said yes and that she liked the idea...The head peice ended up looking really good and the washes and bolts added more of an edgy look instead of something big and glamerous.

As well as images Jeanie gave me for inspiration i looked at Philip Treacy because i love his head peices and some of them can be really eccentric at times. this helped with the structure and how i could go about creating it and adding the volume.

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