are you dying to see a twist

Jeanie Feng is a 3rd year fashion student studying at derby university. Iv been given the pleasure of working with her whilst she puts together her final collection for the end of year graduation fashion show. Jeanie is inspired by textures such as brick, concrete and rust. She also uses graffiti as a concept for her work as well as the streets....You could call it broken streets... So are you dying to see a twist???

Thursday 19 May 2011

Hair and Make-up

Through the weeks of focusing on the bigger things i didn't have a chance to really blog about the hair and the Make-up, Jeanies collection is very strong and edgy so naturally the hair and make-up had to be on the same level! Jeanie had us have our make-up with very pale skin and smokey dark eyes, then adding the lipstick which was a rich colour that stood out. i researched some images on big hair and dark make-up!!

Thursday 12 May 2011

The Collection

Jeanies collection is astonishing in my eyes, i think shes a brilliant designer. Her clothes are edgy yet have sophisticated structure to them. basing her ideas on broken streets such as rubble, constructional things, graffiti, worn textures! she uses all this is as the concept of her designs. You can see in fabric she uses in her collection how shes adapted this and interporated it into her work.


Some of jeanies designs have a prints that she had printed her self, on parts of the print there is graffiti. Graffiti is also something jeanie looked at for inspiration and to help build the concept of her designs.

I did some research on graffiti and tags, tags being the artists name. Over Easter i went to Amsterdam for four days and was in ore at how different artist spray over there its almost like it creates a story! whilst walking down one of the high streets i saw a dress in a shop, the whole dress had a graffiti print on it the fabric was amazing. I fell in love.

Graffiti has a lot of history behind it originating from the streets its like poetry and art in one, as well as identity.

Pattern cutting

I was asked to do some pattern tracing for jeanie, which of course i oblijed to. It was good for me to do as it was more practice for my pattern cutting skills.

Friday 6 May 2011

The Photoshoot

The 18th of April 2011

I was very excited to be one of Jeanies models but as the day came i became quite nervous as I've never modeled before but as soon as i got into it i really started to enjoy my self. I think the locations was spot on for the image and style of Jeanies collection. The locations was very urban yet deserted and had a lot of edge to them.

Jeanies photographer was a little crazy well thats one word you could use for him. We had to calm him down in one sense he kind of had it in his head that this was his photoshoot and not jeanies! He wanted us to do some really weird stuff that had nothing to do with what jeanie wanted! She soon had it under controll and we got some really good shots!